This page provides a listing of current Sierra County projects by agency.
Fire Safe Sierra County is providing this list as a general overview of current Sierra County wildfire mitigation, forest resiliency, and related projects and aims to maintain the list on a regular basis; however, this listing may not be all-inclusive or up-to-date. For current and/or more specific information, please contact the related agency directly.
Project List Overview
Tip: Click on the project name to scroll to full project description.
Sierra County Fire Safe Council (Fire Safe Sierra County)
Sierraville Fuel Reduction Project: Read more here.
Sierra Valley Resource Conservation District (RCD)
Project Details by Agency
Sierra County Fire Safe Council
Project: Sierraville Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
Funding Source
USFS Non-Federal Lands Grant
Project Objective
Reduction of hazardous fuels upon approximately 65 acres within and adjacent to the community of Sierraville
Sierraville, CA
Award Date
Expiration Date
Current Status
In progress; completion anticipated by June 2023.
Click map to pop out.

Sierra Valley Resource Conservation District Forest/Fuels
Project: Sierra Brooks - Smithneck Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
Funding Source
Sierra Nevada Conservancy Grant #1314
Project Objective
The primary purposes of the project are to improve forest health, increase forest resiliency, reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire adjacent to the community, and provide for future opportunities for prescribed underburning.
Loyalton, CA, adjacent to the community of Sierra Brooks
Award Date
August 2021
Expiration Date
December 31, 2024
Current Status
In progress; completion anticipated by December 2023.
Click on map to pop out.

Sierra County
Project: Greene Acres Forest Health Planning
Funding Source
Sierra Nevada Conservancy Grant #1263
Project Objective
This grant provides funding to Sierra County to complete pre-implementation resource reports and surveys and prepare NEPA and CEQA documents. This planning and environmental compliance would support future implementation of the Greene Acres Forest Health Planning Project, with the goal of protecting life and property in the community of Greene Acres by improving forest health and reducing the risk of wildfire in the Wildland Urban Interface on National Forest System Lands adjacent to the community.
Community of Greene Acres, approximately 5 miles north of Sierra City, CA
Award Date
Expiration Date
Current Status
Forest Service surveys and specialist reports complete, NEPA completion anticipated by February 2023. Timber marking and cruising have been funded through Bipartisan Infrastructure Funding with an RFP for these services anticipated for release in June 2023.
Greene Acres map not available.
Project: Upper North Yuba Forest Health and Resilience
Funding Source
Sierra Nevada Conservancy Grant #1023
Project Objective
Sierra Nevada Conservancy has provided funding to Sierra County to work with Tahoe National Forest, Yuba Ranger District, to reduce hazardous fuels and implement aspen restoration measures on 267 acres of national forest system lands. The goals of this project are to increase forest health, maintain emergency access during wildfire, protect water resources, and preserve the health of aspen stands.
Bassetts, CA
Award Date
Expiration Date
Current Status
Expiration date has been extended to 1/1/2024.
Click on map to pop out.

County Coordinator Grant
Funding Source
California Fire Safe Council
Project Objective
The County Coordinator grant funds two contract positions to assist with improving county-wide wildfire resiliency in Sierra County. The County Coordinator and Outreach Specialist positions will work within the Sierra County Fire Safe Council to develop local collaboration between fire mitigation and emergency preparedness groups, communities, government agencies and stakeholders to enhance Sierra County’s wildfire preparedness and resilience. The County Coordinator will also serve as the Sierra County Fire Safe Council Coordinator during the term of the grant. The County Coordinator and Outreach Specialist will coalesce the wildfire mitigation groups, assess constraints and needs regarding wildfire resiliency efforts, and make recommendations to address deficiencies in mitigation efforts. This grant is also intended to invigorate and bolster the Sierra County Fire Safe Council such that the Council can continue to grow and enhance its role in helping Sierra County residents become better prepared for wildfire.
Sierra County, CA
Award Date
Expiration Date
Current Status
County-wide wildfire preparedness survey complete; draft version of the Wildfire Resiliency Program of Work completed. Actively working with the Board to secure grant funding to pursue the mission of the Sierra County Fire Safe Council.
Sierra County Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program Early Action Funding
Funding Source
Sierra Nevada Conservancy Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program (RFFCP) Early Action Funding
Project Objective
Sierra County is the recipient of the California Fire Safe Council’s (CFSC) County Coordinator Grant, which will fund a Fire Safe Council Coordinator and Outreach Specialist, and development of a county-wide Wildfire Resiliency Program of Work. The RFFCP funding will be utilized to extend the timeframes for deliverables of the Sierra County Fire Safe Council staff positions beyond the March 2023 term of the CFSC grant, prepare projects identified in the Program of Work to shovel-ready, and apply for additional grant funding to sustain the Council. The RFFCP funding will also provide for additional capacity building through development of a county-wide Geographic Information System to assist with gap analyses and project planning. Key deliverables provided by the Sierra County contract County Forester will also be provided through the RFFCP funding. These deliverables include project collaboration and planning upon Federal forest lands within the Sierra County, such as the North Yuba Forest Partnership, and use of the County’s Master Stewardship Agreement with the Tahoe National Forest. Additional County Forester deliverables include an update to the Sierra County Fire Plan, and grant writing for those grants where the County is the Grantee. Therefore, the RFFCP funding will ensure the continuance of collaborative planning by the county Fire Safe Council and the development and implementation of projects within the Wildfire Resiliency Program of Work to increase the pace and scale of forest restoration projects within the county.
Sierra County, CA
Award Date
Expiration Date
Current Status
In Progress: Sierra County Fire Safe Council Executive Director hired; currently working on project prioritization and GIS deliverables.
North Yuba Forest Partnership (NYFP)
Project Objective
Started in 2018, this partnership focuses on prioritizing, planning and executing landscape-scale forest health projects on nearly 275,000 acres of Sierra Nevada forests. Made up of diverse perspectives and interests, this collaborative will address forest health for biodiversity, habitat, clean and abundant water, carbon storage, fire protection, and recreational opportunities. Nine entities make up the official project partners and are signatories of the North Yuba Partnership MOU, including Sierra County, US Forest Service Tahoe National Forest, Yuba Water Agency, South Yuba River Citizens League, The Nature Conservancy, Camptonville Community Partnership, The Nisenan, The National Forest Foundation, and Blue Forest Conservation.
The North Yuba watershed stretches from New Bullards Bar Reservoir east up to the Sierra Crest along Highway 49. The Landscape is approximately 275,000 acres, of which approximately 210,000 acres are National Forest System lands within Sierra County, with just the westernmost portions of the project area in Yuba County.
Current Status
See “Updates” on the home page of the NYFP website.
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