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Harden Your Home

Know what steps you can take to help protect your home and property when living in a wildfire zone.

Fixing the Roof

Home Hardening Links

How to Prepare Your Home for Wildfire

What are the primary threats to homes during a wildfire? Learn more on the NFPAs "Preparing Homes for Wildfire" webpage and download the Home Ignition Zone Checklist.

Hardening Your Home 
CalFIRE harden home video screenshot_edited.jpg

Learn the primary ways  your home can be exposed to wildfire and what you can do to increase its likelihood of surviving a wildfire on CAL FIRE's Hardening Your Home webpage. 

Downloadable Resources

Creating a Fire-Resistant Home
CalFire ready cover.png

Flying embers can destroy a home from a mile away! Learn how you can help prevent embers from destroying your home.

Low-Cost Retrofit List
Image by Erik Mclean

Retrofitting one's home doesn't have to be costly. Here are 12 ways (including low-cost options to improve your home's fire resistance.

Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide
Wildfire Home Retro Guide CalFire Living with Fire Tahoe.png

How different components of your home are vulnerable to wildfire and what can be done to reduce its vulnerability to wildfire. 

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