About Fire Safe Sierra County
Photo: Church Meadows by Mary Davey
Our Mission
Sierra County Fire Safe and Watershed Council ("Fire Safe Sierra County") is a non-profit organization promoting wildfire resiliency through Sierra County, California. Our primary purpose is to seek funding and organize projects with the following goals:​
To help protect our residents, community, and natural resources from a wildfire.
To empower landowners and residents to care for their homes and properties through hazard fuel removal assistance and community education programs.
To foster and assist Sierra County Firewise communities in their mission, reducing wildfire risk to homes and properties.
To partner with other local, state, and national agencies and organizations who function to preserve and protect our people, communities, and natural resources.
Rodd Rummel
Executive Director
Paul Cueto
Board Chair • Treasurer
Jim Turner
Board Member
Patty Hall
Board Member
Don Russell
Board Member
Eric Petterson